DS-CD ROM 2 1993 August
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============================ DIETAPI.DOC ===============================
copyright(c) 11/22/1991 by Teddy Matsumoto
**Application Interface of DIET.EXE**
The following interrupts are designed to be used by application
software authors to make easy controls over the status of DIET.EXE.
Ealier Versions of DIET.EXE used to check its TSR status from the
key words in MCB with certain offsets. This method is no more available
since from this version on, DIET.EXE may stay as a program as well
as a device driver.
I tried to device a routine to control DIET.EXE using simple DOS calls.
I present the details of the available service calls in the following
for those who writes shells and other applications for DIET.EXE.
DIET.EXE uses these interrupts to control its TSR part.
**INTERRUPT of DOS used **
INT 21h, AH=37h AL=D0h--DFh are used for the controls of TSR part of DIET.
Here is the original description of INT 21h AH=37h from the documents
'Interrupt List Release 90.4 compiled by Ralf Brown,ralf@cs.cmu.edu.
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - GET SWITCHAR
AX = 3700h
Return: AL = FFh unsupported subfunction
DL = current switch character
Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS
supported by OS/2 compatibility box
SeeAlso: AX=3701h
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - SET SWITCHAR
AX = 3701h
DL = new switch character
Return: AL = FFh unsupported subfunction
Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS
supported by OS/2 compatibility box
SeeAlso: AX=3700h
INT 21 - DOS 2.x and 4.0 only internal - AVAILDEV
AH = 37h
AL = subfunction
02h read device availability (as set by AL=03h)
Return: DL = device availability (always FFh under DOS 4.0)
03h set device availability, where:
DL = 00h means \DEV\ must preceed device names
DL <> 00h means \DEV\ need not preceed device names
Return: AL = FFh if invalid subfunction
Notes: all versions of DOS from 2.00 allow \DEV\ to be prepended to device
names without generating an error even if the directory \DEV does
not actually exist (other paths generate an error if they do not
although DOS 4.0 accepts these calls, they have no effect
The description above makes me convince that there is no other TSR
program which makes use of this interrupt. I use this interrupt for
API to make easier controls over the functions of DIET,EXE.
To assure the safety further, I always set the BX register with ID
BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET').
**Available Functions **
AX=37D0h check TSR diet.exe
AX=37D1h get segment where diet.exe stays resident
AX=37D2h read TSR control flags.
AX=37D3h set TSR control flags.
AX=37D4h read TSR options.
AX=37D5h set TSR options.
AX=37D6h read temporary directory names.
AX=37D7h set temporary directory.
AX=37D8-37DBh reseerved for future use by DIET.exe
AX=37DCh set address of external procedure.
AX=37DDh release external procedure.
AX=37DEh read EMS status.
AX=37DFh remove TSR part from memory.
** HOW to USE API of DIET.EXE **
These calls can be used only after establishing that the Resident Part of
DIET.EXE is in fact present, by making the call with AX=37D0h.
** Example.Disable TSR DIET.EXE temporarily for copying:
AX=37D0h check if DIET.EXE is present as TSR program.
AX=37D2h read TSR control flags and preserve on stacks.
AX=37D3h disable TSR function of DIET.EXE
Copy files if necessary
AX=37D3h reset TSR control flags to the original state.
** DIET API specifications **
All of the values in the resiters are preserved except those in
Return values.
** Get DIET status**
int 21h AH = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D0h
Return: AX = 0 CX = 899Dh DX = version ID
DIET.EXE is present as TSR program.
AL = -1
DIET.EXE is not present as TSR.
AL = -1 is a default return value of DOS 2+ to 4.0.
**Read Segment Address of TSR DIET.EXE
int 21h AH = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D1h
Return: AX = 0
CX = code segment of TSR part of DIET.EXE.
DX = memory block segment of TSR DIET.EXE.
DX = 0 if device=DIET.EXE in config.sys.
** Read control flags of TSR DIET.EXE
int 21h AH = 37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D2h
Return: AX = 0
DL = 0 DIET.EXE is active
else diable
DH = Skip flag.
Note: Skip flags takes non-zero value while TSR is active.
** Set TSR control flags
INT 21h AH = 37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D3h
DL = TSR control flag ;
= 0 : active
= else : disable
DH = 0 : Skipflag
Return: AX=0
**Read TSR otpitons
int 21h AH = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D4h
Return: AX = 0
DX = TSR options;
bit 1: automated compression of DIETed file option -p
bit 2: automated compression of created file option -w
bit 3: Supress DIET message option -m
bit 4: Display Origianl File size option -s
bit 5-16: reserved
** Set TSR options
INT 21h AX = 37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D5h
DX = TSR otpions
bit 1: automated compression of DIETed file option -p
bit 2: automated compression of created file option -w
bit 3: Supress DIET message option -m
bit 4: Display Origianl File size option -s
bit 5ü`16: must be 0, reserved
Return: AX = 0
** Read Temproary directory name.
INT 21h AX = 37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D6h
Return: AX = 0
DS:DX = Temporary directory name.
Note: DS:DX NULL indicates the current directory.
** Set temporary directory.
int 21h AH = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = D7h
DS:DX = Temporary Directory Name.
Return: AX = 0
Note: Set temporary directory. The PATH name must begin with the
DRIVE name and must end with '\', the length of the name
must be within 61 letters ending with 0. 'NULL' specification
set the default, CURRENT directory.
**Set address of an external procedure
INT 21h AH = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = DCh
DS:DX = Address of external procedure.
Return: AX = 0
Note: Set address of the external procedure.
Resident part calls external procedure at the beginning of
decompression and on exiting compression by failure. Informations
are stacked with pointers:
SP+0,3 return address.
SP+4,5 class;upon start : file handle of DIETed file.
upon failure: -1 file creation error
-2 fail to create by shortage of space
-3 fail to create by other reason
SP+6,9 Pointer to the compressed filename.
SP+10,13 Pointer to the decompressed,or temporary filename
With these informations, you may write a program such as a small
popup window reporting the process of decompressing and link with
this call.
Do preserve ES,DS,BP,SI,DI resiters when you use this call.
Expanded Memory is opened through a window in this call. Consequently,
you must reset logical to physical memory mapping to the saved
state and issue RETurn from procedure Far, lest you should hang up
the system.
** Release external procedure.
INT 21h AH = 37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = DDh
Return: nothing
Note: Release external procedure linked by AH=37h, AL=DCh
** Read Status in Expanded Memory
INT 21h AH =37h BX=899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = DEh
Return: AX = 0
CX = 0: Expanded Memory not used.
1: Expanded Memory used as work area
2: Expanded Memory used for codes and as work area.
DX = EMM handle when Expanded Memory is used.
Note: read the status of DIET.EXE in EMS.
** Remove TSR part from memory **
int 21h AX = 37h BX = 899Dh ('DI'+'ET')
AL = DFh
Return: AX = 00h success in removal.
AX = FFh failure in removal.
Note: Remove TSR DIET.EXE, do not forget to check if TSR is resident.
Expanded Memory Areas stay as they are.
** Finally **
I have no plan to change the functions of those calls described above.
though I may add functions to the reserved values of AL.
Please test these APplication Interfaces if you are to design
shells or help programs for DIET.EXE.
========================= end of DIETAPI.DOC ===========================